Teens are the most misunderstood, or rather, least understood. They are the heroes and sheroes of the future, brimming with pursuit and potential while paving their unique path of identity. Their tantrums, or teentrums, are nothing but a cry to be seen, to be heard and to be appreciated.

This workshop on teens is is facilitated by Dr. Aruna Jagdish, a pediatrician, a mother, and a grandmother. Aruna has been in pediatric practice for over 30 years and her outlook on health, well-being and relationships follows a holistic approach.

The idea of this workshop was seeded by the numerous interactions that Aruna had with children and parents in her capacity as a pediatrician. Informal discussions led to insightful parenting techniques, which formed the foundation and the inspiration of Teentrum.

Some of the topics that the workshop will address are:


social skills
dreams & goals
internet & social media
body image
academics & activities
nutrition & sleep
health & vaccination
mental health
substance abuse
body harm & suicide
3-4 pm
6 Saturdays
17, 24, 31 Oct, 7, 21, 28 Nov
ZOOM Platform
Dr. Aruna Jagdish | MBBS, DCH | Pediatrics | drajagdish@gmail.com | +91 9886028966